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Brave Research

Research for the community by the community

The vision that inspires this project is to grow a generation of young researchers from the communities we seek to serve.  We work with partner schools and young people from communities that have been extensively researched by outsiders who often contribute to misrepresentations and negative stereotypes. We want to nurture young people to tell their own stories through research and to reclaim the mana every community has to define themselves.


This internship provides rangatahi with an opportunity to delve into research from a Pacific and decolonial perspective. By fostering critical thinking and academic skills, alongside practical research skills, Brave Research enhances the capacity of young people to engage with, investigate, and tackle social inequalities affecting their communities. 

Brave Research brings fresh and youthful perspectives to research. Through collaboration with young researchers who conduct research with their peers or younger children, we bring into being new possibilities for how research happens and who does it. The knowedge-in-action that we co-produce with young people not only remains relevant but is also transformative: it ignites change in rangatahi, their schools and communities. 

How it works

When a school expresses their interest in being part of Brave Research Internship, we meet with them to explore together how the internship programme could best benefit their school community and the participating students. As a result of this meeting, we may decide that the research project will be conducted at the school,  focusing on a specific social justice issue or aimed at generating particular insights or transformations. Each cohort consists of 3 to 6 students, who may all be from the same school or from two different schools. Schools are asked to nominate a group of students, and we run an information session followed by one-on-one korero with those interested to ensure it will be a good fit for them. Our way of working is highly collaborative: interns have significant input throughout the training and research process and we tailor the sessions and workshops according to rangatahi's interests and aspirations. We expect both the school and interns to maintain their commitment for the 12 weeks of the internship. At the end, we present back the research results to the school or community where the research took place, and conclude with a collective evaluation of the programme.



Snapshots from our first rōpū 

Message to future Brave Interns

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We love having fun as we learn

This collection of memes is the legacy (and intellectual property) of our first Brave Research rōpū. It demonstrates that learning and being critical can be fun and even humorous. 

Photo from Ale (3).jpg
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