Our Kaupapa
Our Purpose
Our kaupapa is ensuring that all young people have what they need to achieve their potential through education.
We do this by working with young people, teachers and schools on research, programmes and PLD.
Social Justice
Social Justice relates to the belief that every person is of equal worth, and on that basis should be recognised and treated equally and with respect for who they are.
Social injustice relates to structures or human actions which cause people to experience unfairness in how they are treated or what they can achieve.
Addressing this means that we need to work to reduce unjustified inequalities, including in education.
What we do
We only do work that we believe will address the causes of social injustice.
This includes partnering with kura & schools (such as through delivering professional learning & development), doing research, working with rangatahi (young people) and creating teaching & learning resources.*
You can explore some of our current and past areas of work.
*Oh, and we also make earrings and other cool things which are available from our online shop!
Get in touch.
19/13 Laidlaw Way
East Tāmaki, Auckland
New Zealand, 2018
+64 22 645 4660